Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1983-November 1983)

Electronics: The Maplin Magazine (September 1983-November 1983)

Written by: Pete Luckhurst



Time to read 0 min

Take a look at the September-November 1983 issue of "Electronics: The Maplin Magazine", featuring a range of DIY electronics projects, technical advice, and product information for electronics enthusiasts. This issue includes detailed project instructions, such as building an electronic lock for cars or homes, creating sound effects with a Synchime box, and more. It also provides updates on new store openings, product offerings from Maplin, and the latest in home computing and security systems.

Table of Contents

  1. DIY Projects

    • Electronic Lock for Car or Home
    • Synchime Sound Effects Box
  2. Technical Guides and Advice

    • First Base: Digital Techniques for Beginners
    • Interfacing the BBC Micro
    • Machine Code Programming with the 6502 (Part 2)
    • Rewiring Your House: Electrical Installation Tips
  3. Product Reviews and Announcements

    • Heathkit Electronics Kits
    • Using the Commodore 64: Maximizing Your Machine
    • Atari's Next Generation Computers
  4. Maplin Updates

    • New Store Openings and Maplin News
    • 1984 Catalogue Announcement
    • Classified Advertisements and Special Offers
  5. Editorial and Miscellaneous

    • Editor's Note and Production Team Acknowledgments

About the author

Pete Luckhurst is a Website Manager at Maplin.

After getting an early start in the world of computing with C64 & Amiga computers, Pete now spends much of his spare time in PC VR and dabbling in game development. He also has a strong interest in film, photography and music.

Among other endeavours, he previously worked in a Maplin store, so it was a no-brainer when the opportunity arose to work on the modern incarnation of Maplin online. Besides writing for the blog, Pete works alongside the Maplin team to help keep the online store running smoothly.

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